DataPress logo
API Reference

Site Settings

Version:  4.0
Updated:  14th July 2024

Fetching Site Settings

Site settings includes the ID of topics and mastheads, which are useful when editing datasets.

HTTP Return Codes
200Returns the site settings JSON.

JSON Reference

  // Used in the browser tab title
  "title": "Barnet Open Data",

  "mastheads": {
    "ons": {
      "img": "https://.../office-for-national-statistics--ons-.png",
      "title": "Office for National Statistics (ONS)"
    // [...mastheads are set up through the web interface]

  "topics": {
    "waste-and-recycling": {
      "img": "https://.../waste-recycling.png",
      "title": "Waste & Recycling"
    // [...topics are set up through the web interface]

  // Search sidebar
  "searchFilters": [

  "licences": [
    // Set up through the web interface
      "url": "https://.../doc/open-government-licence/version/3/",
      "title": "UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)"
    // [...]

  // -- UI Design
  // Edit these with caution!
  "design": {
    // Images & links
    "logo": "",
    "favicon": "",
    "footer": {
      "home": {
        "img": "",
        "url": "",
        "text": "Barnet Council"
    // Google Analytics integration
    "googleAnalytics": "UA-..."

  // -- Site Settings
  "customFields": {
    // [...set up through the web interface]
  "id": "mysite", // Immutable
  "hostname": "", // Immutable
  "https": true, // Immutable

Updating the site settings

HTTP Headers
AuthorizationAPI key with administrator permissions.stringRequired
HTTP Return Codes
200Returns the updated site settings JSON.
400Returns a JSON object explaining the error.
403API key does not have administrator permissions.

Example: Rename a topic

import requests, os, json

api_key = os.getenv("DATAPRESS_API_KEY")

headers = { "Authorization": api_key }
patch = [
        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/topics/waste-and-recycling/title",
        "value": "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle"

url = f""

# This will submit the patch with the header "Content-Type: application/json"
response = requests.patch(url, json=patch, headers=headers)
print(json.dumps(response.json(), indent=2))